Monday, September 21, 2009

Not Noteworthy

Every since school started, I have been telling the children to do their homework at night.

I have said it.

I have commanded it.

I have declared it.

All the usual parental tricks that fall on, of course, death ears.

Fast forward to this lovely Monday morning.


Which obviously comes after a weekend, yes.

A weekend in which they had plenty of time to complete homework, correct.

We are both wrong.

Because even though I told them just last night to do your homework at night, it apparently translated to wait until morning.

A fatal mistake it seems, for one unlucky son because the desktop decided that it was mad at the printer.

And said son actually had the audacity to think I was going to write him a note.


Oh, Heck NO!!

(Excuse my profanity, please and thank you.)

If he had done his homework over the weekend, the problem could have easily been rectified as the laptop and the printer are apparently on speaking terms.

If he had done his homework last night as I told him, we may have been able to stage a mediation between the desktop and the printer.

But no, he is all of fourteen and he knows everything.

The hardest part of crazy lazy mothering is knowing when to put your foot down so as not to set a precedent that will cause you more work in the future.


Just when you thought I was being a good mommy, I turn around and make it all about ME again.

~Ms. Katrina


  1. Kudos to you for not writing that note.

    Perhaps there could be some system set in place to allow them to do said homework without requiring you to harp on them all the time.

  2. I am SO right there with you on the homework issue! I don't know how many times I've told my children to get their homework done at night. And how about when they have something for you to sign? Mine wait until 2 minutes before the bus gets here. *sigh* Fun times! :-)

  3. The "dreaded" homework - almost more work for the parents than for the student - ha!

