Saturday, August 22, 2009

I can't be the only one...

In today's society, we are still bombarded with the image of the perfect mom.

Y'know, that lady that brings home the bacon, fries it up in a pan, and never ever let you forget you're a....oh, wait, that's the perfect wifey. Lol.

The perfect mom tends to be in one of two camps, depending on who you ask.

Mom Type 1 (in no particular order, by the way) is the so-called traditional stay-home mother of the immaculate house, perfect kids, and adoring husband. (Um, how many of them have you seen, really?)

Or, there is perfect Mom Type 2 who can go to work, raise the children, and not emasculate her husband, boyfriend, or baby daddy (if she's manage to hang on to him, that is).

But I'm here today to keep it real.

My house is a mess most times whether I'm working that day or not.

The kids are wonderful (for me) but no where near perfect (and smart talking to boot!)

And the husband, well, he was dismissed long ago.

I am a crazy, lazy mom...and I love it!


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