Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Flip Flop Flap

There we were, just standing at the school bus stop, when dear ol' mom (me!) happened to just look down at my lil' diva's feet. And lo and behold but what do I see...

Flip Flops!!

Now, any good parent knows that flip flops are completely against school dress code.

So, off the girl goes running to the house before I can get another word out.

Only problem is that dear ol' mom (me again!!) now spots the bus a'coming.

At my shout of "Bus!!!", the child puts it in reverse and pushes full speed ahead to the bus while the bus driver and dear ol' mom (ok, you know who this is by now, right?) laugh up a storm.

Anywho, the end of this story was going to be an inner debate on whether to take her a change of shoes, wait for a call from the school then take her some shoes, or (my pick) hope they just let her go to school and send a politely worded note home about the dress code.

But what happened was even better.

I was just rolling back into the house when a school bus pulls right up front. Not surprising, considering we live on a busy street practically at the corner of a stop light.

No, what was surprising was that lil' diva was rushing down the steps and into the house to retrieve the tardy school shoes. 

Yes, the school bus driver had driven her back to fetch them

And, yes, she rocks!!

I love our school bus driver.

She is my new hero.


  1. hehehe, very cool, stopped by from the MBC! :)

  2. That is totally awesome. I mean who does that right? Your school bus driver deserves an award

  3. Lucky you! Everyone should have such a great bus driver:)

